What is phpMyGPX?
phpMyGPX is an application to manage your own GPX files locally or online.
GPX is a XML file format containing track points and routes collected by gps receivers and beeing very popular with navigation, geo caching and OpenStreetMap, of course. For further information on the GPX schema, see this page.
stores all gpx files, waypoints and trackpoints in database
tag GPX files and search for keywords
download stored GPX files from data base
filter trackpoints and waypoints
generate GPX from filtered trackpoints or waypoints
statistics for each GPX
preview birdview (map) image of track/route
images of elevation and speed profiles for GPX
store bookmarks for your favourite map locations
show geotagged photos on a map
automatic geotagging of photos during import, based on GPX
different map styles and overlays
uses OSM tile servers to show online map with GPX overlay
simple proxy for caching map tiles included
batch import for photos and GPX files
batch import for GPX files using cron job (see FS#109)
installation and upgrade wizard
highly customizable via config file
available languages: Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Hungarian, Spanish
Android app (beta version) by Jesus Picornell (see FS#110 for setup)
LAMP or equivalent with
Linux or Windows or any other OS
Apache or any other web server
MySQL 4.1 or later and MariaDB 10.1
PHP >=5.3.0 with DOM, GD2 and mysqli extensions, works with PHP 7
* optional: PHP Exif (and mbstring on windows hosts) extensions for photo features
* optional: PHP cURL extension for the tile cache proxy
Online Demo
An online demo is available.
Bug tracker
You can report bugs and feature requests right here.
Notes on phpMyGPX
The name isn't more than a working title, it doesn't mean anything great. I just had no idea in the beginning, so don't be curious about it... Furthermore it was not written to be published at all, but I thougt it might be still useful for anybody and wanted to share it. And I remembered the rule "Release early, release often!" - so don't complain of all the missing features you did expect.
Icons are taken from the open source application phpMyAdmin, but if you want to create better ones you can just contribute them.
Some documentation (to be extended) can be found in the OSM-Wiki:
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/PhpMyGPX (in English)
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:PhpMyGPX (in German)
You can find some info on installation and configuration in the README file.
There is a mailing list for general announcements and support. To subscribe send an email with subject "subscribe" to phpmygpx-request@lists.tuxfamily.org. It's also possilbe to search the mailing list archive.
If you want to support the development of phpMyGPX, please consider making a small donation. You could use the Flattr-Button at the end of this page or donate any amount of Bitcoins.
(bitcoin:14U2Scqtk3wmGwo66A7buFKsFPxugRPcwR or click to enlarge the BTC QR code)
Note: Please make sure to use the install/upgrade wizard when upgrading your software!
Note: As of version 0.3 you need PHP 5 with DOM extension enabled!
Note: As of version 0.7.1 (or SVN r458) you need at least PHP 5.3!
Warning: Please always use the latest release! Older ones aren't supported anymore.
phpMyGPX 0.8, 584 kB (2018-02-26)
phpMyGPX 0.7, 546 kB (2012-07-29)
phpMyGPX 0.6.1, 387 kB (2010-07-27)
phpMyGPX 0.6, 385 kB (2010-05-28); for new installation please see
this workaround!
phpMyGPX 0.5.1, 370 kB (2010-04-10)
phpMyGPX 0.5, 364 kB (2010-03-15)
phpMyGPX 0.4, 345 kB (2009-09-30)
phpMyGPX 0.3.1, 297 kB (2009-08-04)
phpMyGPX 0.3, 270 kB (2009-06-12)
phpMyGPX 0.2, 184 kB (2009-04-23)
phpMyGPX 0.1, 153 kB (2009-03-03)
Source code repository
The subversion repository can be viewed at ViewVC or WebSVN.
Anonymous read access to the source repository is possible at svn://svn.tuxfamily.org/svnroot/phpmygpx/phpmygpx
please see CHANGELOG